Carrington Estate is committed to protecting, preserving and caring for the land we so luckily get to call home. We embrace the Tiaki Promise by proactively educating visitors about our commitment to looking after our stunning natural environment. The three main commitments are, to care for the land, tread lightly and leave no trace. Travel safe showing care and consideration for all and respect the culture of our land. We share these values with our work whanau and all travellers on our experiences.

How We Care For Our Place in New Zealand

If you are enjoying our region like we do and want to reduce your impact on it, we encourage you to consider these things:

1. We and our work whanau turn off taps when we are not directly using water. You may wish to do the same.

2. We and our work whanau always endeavour to turn lights off or equipment when not needed. You are welcome to do the same.

3. We and our work whanau always try to minimise waste. We offer you recycling options which are located underneath the lodges, we encourage for you to use them.

4. We buy our products from local sources, which both support employment in our community and reduce the distance our goods must travel to reach us.

5. We donate our time and effort to the Waimango wetlands conservation.

6. If you are interested to know about these aspects or anything else we do, please feel free to ask our staff.

We hope you leave Carrington Estate knowing your actions help us maintain or enhance the lovely environment on Karikari Peninsula.

Our Environmental Promise to You

We believe in protecting the beautiful environment of Whatuwhiwhi and Karikari Peninsula. We want to ensure that your children or grand children can visit and enjoy it too. To this end, we have developed an environmental plan and welcome your support for this initiative.

We support this area by undertaking a number of actions. Many of these you may not see, but some you may not notice.

Some actions that you may not see include buying locally, composting our organic waste for gardens, using low energy lighting, using environmentally friendly cleaning products, donating items, supporting local charities and training our work whanau to commit to our environmental practises.

If you would like to help us care for our environment too, you may choose to reuse your towels more than once. If this is your preference, please either hang them on the towel rail or leave them in the bath for replacement. Alternatively turning off lighting or any electrical items when not in use will also help us.

Most of our guests want to help, so we invite you to join with us by enjoying our hospitality and understanding our environmental policy.

Our Statement of Care

At Carrington Estate understand that all businesses create environmental and social impact through their activities. Ours is no exception.

We will try to actively reduce any adverse effects through buying wisely using resources efficiently, disposing of waste responsibly and providing an environmentally and socially responsible experience to our guests.

We undertake to:

1. Train our work whanau and make guest aware of our environmental commitment and how they can be involved.

2. Inform our service providers of our environmental goals and ask for their assistance in meeting targets.

3. Strive for continued improvement in this area.

4. Promote the benefits of environmental and social responsibilities to our guests.

We pledge to apply the following principles across all aspects of our business:

1. Avoid polluting land, air and water.

2. Avoid depleting natural, non renewable resources.

3. Avoid destroying habitat.

4. Treat staff, suppliers and guests fairly and with respect.

The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now, and for future generations. By following the Tiaki Promise we are committing New Zealand to act as a guardian, protecting and preserving our home.KAITIAKINGA/ MANAAKITANGA AT CARRINGTON ESTATE